DOYAI Dreamers of Not


People.  That's who we were created to be, people. Living beings who control everything.   

People are not the only living beings with a mind and thoughts and concious and directions, but the only beings controlling other beings. 

People were created to rule everything.  Without people, the world would not exist.  We would still be animals living in the wild with the sense of direction and time.  Just living and dying.  Not building, no dreams or visions.  Just living and dying. 

People.  People are the created ones to be creators.  People, not plants or animals or inanimate objects.  People are the channels through which intelligence travels.  People are the channels through which ideas are developed.  People are the forces that drive other people to higher or lower depths.

Why are people the ones chosen to love?  Or, are they the only ones who love?  While looking at a pack of wolves, do they love each other?  Or a flock of birds, do they love each other?  Crazy questions, but ones that should make a human think about their existance.



                                                                    "THROUGH THE EYES OF GOD"

 In the beginning God created the Heaven above and the earth below.  Because the earth was without form, God decided to color things up.  So light, days, nights, the sun and stars, water, vegetation and the animals were created.  So God was no longer alone and lived happily ever after in this Jungle Paradise with all the animals and other creations.  Living the first life of Jane, not knowing that one day there would be a Tarzan.  Wondering which animal became the first Tarzan?!

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