The ten commandments were given to govern people.  People, the Bible was written as instuctions on how to treat other people.  Life was never meant to be hard to accept that a person created all that you see.  What is so mysterious to people is no human born after Jesus had the sense enough to see that if there is a Heaven above your head and an Earth beneath your feet that has been around for longer than one can even think, then there had to be an original (first) person here to develop what you see as well as start life.  If you can't say that you are that person and someone else can say that they are that person then who are you to question anything.

There is no hidden mystery in the Bible.  It is very clear from the beginning to the ending.  Stories of how the beginning began.  Life can be argued forever, but the real argument is silly as the creation of a place for people to burn eternally.  A loving God did a new thing.  The argument, answered by the children would be who was here first the man or the woman?  Well, I have only read of one body that was formed and described in the bible and that was the female.  Now, that can start an argument and it did when the first child was born.  Silly, Ladies first is what I have always heard so why is that so hard to understand.  The woman was the first to sin and the last to take the punishment for sin since women were the last liberated.  Simple to me, but I am too heavenly minded to be any worldly good to anyone but myself, cause it aint confusing to me and the children.

The problem with people is the small sin of a "lie".  Too easy to do.  My mother would tell me I am not whipping you for what you did but for telling the lie that you did not do it first.  Got two whippings any way.  Why when she asked if I did a thing did I not just say "yes", I guess no was easier to come out of my mouth than the shame of knowing I had dissappointed her yet again.  How do you think God feels every second of every hour of every day when lies flow like river water out of the mouth of the ones who say the first lie "I believe in Jesus".  Ummm, maybe they mean "I believe in Hey sus".  Jesus that I written about tells you plainly that all liars leave a bad taste in his mouth, like mothers used to say.  It is really not hard to tell the truth it is hard to stand by and know that truth that you stand by.  That's all.

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