Hello my darlings,

You know, I poured a lot out of me into this website hoping to prove one thing, The existence of a living God.  I realized that it has been difficult for people to understand me because my message was too simple.

I thought it to be simple to live righteously, being born again was the missing ingredient in most believers.  The thought of having to change ones life was scary for most and if it was the "holy roller" syndrome that people thought holiness was, nobody wanted that.  It would mean giving up too much fun.

"I came not into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through me might be saved" from death, just escaped the preachers. God never said stop doing anything but sinning and even that was narrowed down to "stop telling lies".  Something simple yet so complicated for most.

"For God So Loved The World That He Gave Her Only Son, So That Whoever Believed in Him Should Not Perish But Have Everlasting Life".  Not life in the memories of others, but never dying once Jesus came back.  Came back looking for a lover like no other. 

I did not know that as slow as I am to anger, I am equally that slow to let go of the anger and to forgive.  I felt it unnecessary to forgive again and again when it was stated "father forgive them for they know not what they do".  That forgiveness was applied then for now and I have had a hard time believing that believers forgot a simple truth, Jesus was to return to earth.  I could not believe that folks forgot about God.  Well, I am over it and relalize that I have been holding that against myself, but only hurting myself.  No more!!  We are all forgiven now let's do some real loving.  I found you, I love you, I need you and want you in my life, can you say the same?.

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