DOYAI Dreaming of Her or Him

What's up my brother?  Got to tell you I didn't think you would actually take the time to read what we had to say to you.  Well, we are not sure what we want to say to you.  We don't really know each other or do we?  I usually like to spend time with someone before I let myself be known.  Keep the rest of the world around you guessing about who you really are. 

Are you the one who walked on water and raised the dead or are you the one that bore a child without the help of any other.  What kind of delima would I be in if I were able to answer either of those questions with certainty.  All I do know is that I am a human being and I was born in a world that was unfamiliar to me yet it seemed very familiar too.  There were things about this world that seemed to be really simple for me to figure out.  Things like how long a cubit is or how wide a meter is.  Those things come really simple to me.  I can create and design any thing I put my mind too.  I can really do all things and be everthing to everybody if I just took time away from the so called working environment.  Nothing against working, if a person does not work, they may not eat unless they are truly loved by one or two.

 I have been pictured as the stronger one on the earth.  It has been said that this is a "mans's" world, but it wouldn't be nothing without a woman or a girl.  That is an interesting lyric.

 So, our questions posed to each and every man is, Are you glad you were created in the male flesh?  We would advise you that before you answer this question, think long and  hard about who you really are.  Notice, we said in the male flesh.  That would be the one with the extra genetalia skin.   We want you to be clear on who we were talking too.  You seem to be the more powerful one on earth or at least in somes eyes.  

This  rib bone seems to simbolize a useful tool to have in one's bags of treasures.  If that rib bone is not there, it does not or should not be able to change the way one thinks about themselves.  With or without the hardware is but a minisquel part of the relationship between you and yourself first.  If you can envision being married to yourself, we may know just who you are before you try to give away something (namely yourself) that you are not even sure is in proper working order. 

The mind of a man should always be the same as the mind of the woman.  If the man can or would allow himself to be open to everything about his woman, maybe true love could develop between two like minded people. You can't begin to share a life with someone else until you know who you are first.  

What do you want to eat for breakfast?  Or Do you even want to eat breakfast?  Do you ask yourself the questions that you would want to ask some one else that you are trying to get to know.  Do you masterbate?  Do you even know what masterbation is?  Loving yourself can sometimes be the most fulfilling love that you can have for a time.  If you have never experienced sex then you have a better chance of finding true everlasting love, but if you have had the experience of sexual intimacy, you have the best chance to find true love because you know that this love is without any  sexual acts of any kind. 

You have not allowed that woman to come through your doors and pollute your house (soul).  You have not given out any keys or hints to the condition of the house (genetailia) between your legs because you are keeping the house until the mistress of the house comes homes to live happily ever after.  The question is how do you get to that kind of love and is that the only way?   Most importantly, if she opens the doors of her soul before you get the key or give the ring, RUN RUN RUN TO THE FOREST RUN!!!!!!!  Thanks for Asking......



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