DOYAI The Growing Dream

Well, the baby and mother are doing fine and of course they had to be moved out of the hospital to make room for in coming patients of this continuing storm.  Hadn't seen a storm like this in about a thousand years or so.

As grandmother enters the room, the conversations cease.  She walks in the room and quietly takes a seat in the corner.  Says not a word to anyone and begins to read her bible.  She starts at the twenty third Psalms.  For the Lord is My Shepherd, is heard as loud as the hallways and as firm as the Lord himself had spoken the words right from Heaven.  What in the world has set her off and so serious.  A new birth would bring joy and possible bliss to most people, this seemed almost like a funeral or definately a morning of sorts.

The mother would not say a word as the baby was brought in for the first feeding of mothers milk.  She may have been reluctant to deliver, but she surely wanted some release from what would seem like gallons of extra leakage and waste.  Please get it out she silently screamed.

As the nurse went to hand the new mother her bundle of joy, there seemed to be nothing joyous on the mothers face.  Maybe she is still in some pain.  The C Section had been a little rough to take.  With a nudge from the Grandmothers left raised eye, the mother took the baby and flipped out the milk jug on the left.  The grandmother thought. "first mistake".  She should have flipped out the Right one first...... 

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