DOYAI Dreaming of You All The Time

Women, Women, Women!  Do you know who you really are?  No, is the correct answer.  For so long you have been misunderstood by yourself.  You think you are the battered and worn ones, but you are really not.  Maybe you know that you are the stronger sex and use that to your advantage in some superficial way.  Maybe to gain whatever you can, but do you know who you really are?

I keep asking that same question, because somewhere in time you forgot.

You are the reason people go to HELL!  Kind of strong, I know, but I thought maybe that would get your attention.  Hell can be a state of being.  You say, it's not your fault, but I must remind you that females are first, so that must mean they are first in everything.  First one to sin, first one to lie, first one to cheat, first one to think, first one to argue, do I need to go on?  These things can be done emotionally, mentally or physically.   Maybe I'm off base a little, NOT!   Women who know who they are do not fit in this category.  If you are not guilty of any of the first times, then be glad that you are a new creation.  The first woman created had to be the first one to be guilty and it's been downhill every since, but your mess is  NOT HER FAULT.  Thank God she created Men.

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